Natural Enterprise

an economic and environmental partnership

Tree Planting

Natural Enterprise has been collecting seeds from various Gift to Nature sites, germinating and growing them on. These trees have then been used to build our own tree nursery, alongside trees which have been donated from the Woodland Trust, our...
Tree Giveaway In 2022, we worked with the Isle of Wight Council’s ‘tree giveaway’ project, in which 500 trees were given to Island residents as part of the Council's commitment to support biodiversity gain and net zero....
We currently have three Gift to Nature sites which host a community orchard. Merstone Station Based along the Blackwater to Merstone cycle track, Merstone community orchard is well placed for explorers to relax and recharge… and maybe...
Plant more trees! The Big Tree Plant was a national project, launched in December 2010, to increase the number of trees planted in towns, cities and neighbourhoods throughout England. The scheme encouraged and supported people to establish,...
Our Gift to Nature Rangers have put together a guide to help you choose the best option when considering what trees to plant. You can download the free guide here.
Planting a tree is a fantastic way to help nature. This quick guide will ensure your tree has the best chance of thriving.
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